Noted by the commission of jokes and hoaxes, I am always aware of April Fools' Day. Most tricks do not work on me. But, not this time. I received a message from my new student, Ika - telling that she has just been informed that Dayu (her tuition-mate) had an accident. Ouh..pity her! Showing my concern as their teacher, I replied her asking Dayu's condition etc. I told my housemates about the incident while waiting for her reply. *1 new message received*
"APRIL FOOL! I am sorry. hehehe.."
Gosh! She has just tricked me! (hampeh punya x buleh jadi ni..jaga hang nanti masa tuisyen Ika!!! muahahaha..) I did not reply her message (konon marah la..hihiks..) and she did send me another message for an apology. (hah..tau pun takut;p baru hang tau..harharhar..gila jahat punya cikgu..) Care to share any great pranks of hoaxes? Leave a comment.
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